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McKenna Grey's Posts

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AllAuthor put up a nice interview, where I talk books, what I wanted to be when I grew up, and the inspiration behind the books.

What inspired the plot of your story, Christmas in the Rockies?

Christmas in the Rockies is a collection of three novelettes, but they are all about second chances in romance. I wanted to write some shorter contemporary works for the holidays, because I love holiday books, and second-chance romance allows me a shorter time frame with which to work since the characters already know each other. “McKensie’s Christmas Gift” features a female lead who is a descendent of a character in one my historical pen name’s Christmas books. Talk about confusing myself, but it was a lot of fun to share her story. “Christmas in Moose Creek” came about because I once thought about owning a Christmas tree farm. I don’t recall from where the idea for “A Snowy Falls Christmas” came. The elements were all suddenly there (writing, baking, Scotland, and horses) and I found a way to combine them into a novelette.

Thank you for visiting, and have a beautiful day!


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