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McKenna Grey's Posts

New releases and other posts. McKenna is not active on social media, so all updates go through here.

Glacier National Park by MK McClintock_edited.jpg

A Letter of The Forgotten

SHADOW OF THE FORGOTTEN by McKenna Grey and Everly Archard

Dearest Reader,

I am deep into edits on Shadow of the Forgotten, book two of the Kyndall Family Thrillers. I've always had mixed feelings about the editing process. On one hand, it's necessary and time-consuming, but on the other, it gives me a chance to revisit the characters and see them from someone else's point of view. I learn more about them and discover ways the story can be improved that I might not have considered before.

I never know exactly in which direction a story will take me. With Shadow of the Forgotten, I knew it was going to be filled with suspense and action, but I also knew that Jordan Kyndall and Heather York needed a bit of romance. There's a balance that must be achieved, and since nothing I write has graphic sex or language, I have to figure out how to show you their relationship in other ways, and do so without overpowering the other elements. I must say, it's exhausting! I love the build-up between Jordan and Heather, even as they are in a fight to survive. One moment Jordan makes my heart flutter and the next he's . . . you didn't really think I was going to tell you what happens, did you?

I've been asked about the title, and yes, it does all make sense when you read the book. I've gone metaphoric with the titles for this series, and I'll admit it's fun making you work a little to figure it out.

The release date will be posted soon!

Affectionately Yours,



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