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McKenna Grey's Posts

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Glacier National Park by MK McClintock_edited.jpg

A Letter of Spring

Dearest Reader,

I consider it spring when I can see leaves on the trees. After the long, harsh winter we enjoyed (well, some of us liked it), it's a joy to see the bright sun rise over the mountains, beckoning in a new spring day. I stepped out onto the front porch to capture this lovely sight.

Morning View | MK McClintock

It's been a whirlwind, and exhausting, couple of weeks. Corporate America doesn't always leave me alone when I'd rather be writing, and this week it decided to be especially difficult and make me stretch the analytic side of my brain my more than I like. I enjoy owning my own businesses but it comes with plenty of headaches, too. I prefer the creative side. The side that flashes imagination neurons through my mind. I don't know a lot about how the brain works, but I like to think there is such a thing as imagination neurons.

I managed to take out time to spend with Donovan and Meaghan in Alaska earlier this week. It's not as easy this time of year when the weather is warmer and I'm eager to be out exploring the trails and mountains. Speaking of, I'll be getting back to writing, and leaving this a short letter so I can enjoy time outdoors this weekend . . . and this afternoon.

I hope spring has treated you well thus far. Until next time, friends, be well.



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